Stephanie FeitComment

Los Angeles. Day 10. Tuesday. Welcome to the 20s.

Stephanie FeitComment
Los Angeles. Day 10. Tuesday. Welcome to the 20s.

Today was a nice day.

Tzvi woke up early to do some work, but he had mostly wrapped up all of his big year-end projects. We made it out around 9:30 and headed to Verve Coffee on Melrose, where we got great lattes and delicious avocado toast. We sat for a bit and then drove down to Robertson where we walked from Kitson store to Kitson store. At the regular Kitson store Hallie wanted a very impracticable bag. We told her she could have one thing, but she had to look at Kitson kids first. At Kitson kids she found a fuzzy unicorn sleep mask, which was probably even more impractical than the bag (considering she’d never wear a sleep mask to sleep), but cheaper, and she reallllly wanted it, so she got it. She really wanted it to wear as a head band, which looked ridiculous, but very cute.

Around noon we met Tzvi’s friend Benjy at Toast (yup, back again). His wife was working, but he brought his 2 year old son, who fell asleep in the stroller on the walk from the car to the restaurant. Lunch was good again. I had eggs, again. Tzvi had chillaquilles. I dont even think he knows what he ate. Benjy had a veggie burger and Hallie kept asking for some of his fries. It was nice to catch up, and just as we were finishing Benjy’s kid woke up, but was pretty cranky, so that was the end of lunch.

We next drove over to The Grove and walked around for a bit. It was a beautiful day and I had been waiting to walk around The Grove, but I was just too tired. Hallie fell asleep in the stroller and Tzvi miraculously transferred her back to the car, although she woke up when we tried to get her from the car to the hotel room.

We tried to do some packing and then got Hallie ready to go to Mark and Sherry’s to spend the night. Before going we made a visit to Babi, who was in a room across the hall from my parents eating chicken and watching Fox News. Around 5:30 Tzvi drove Hallie to the Kaplans and dropped her off. Daniel, my colleague from JNF, came over to visit and we talked for a bit. He’s actually related to Rachel, so really, we’re all just family. Then at 7:00 PM I left with my mother to go to Dry Bar to get our hair done for the New Years Eve sheva bracha party.


Hallie pulled a screw out of the elevator. No wonder it never worked.

Given the 1920s theme for the party, both my mom and I asked for the “old fashioned” which is like an old Hollywood glam hairstyle. I’ll say mine turned out great, and I’ll leave it at that. My stylist took almost an hour and half to do my hair and was making sure every single wave was in line with the others. It was pretty impressive, but by the end I was losing it. I watched the ball drop on my phone at 9. My mom Ubered back to the hotel without me because she didn’t want to wait, so I went back alone. I quickly changed and we headed to the Sheva Bracha.

It was at an event space called Moory’s Fireplace that used to be a grocery store called Moory’s Finer Foods. The decor was very cute. They made it look kind of like a speakeasy and had a big screen playing The Great Gatsby, which neither of us saw. There was food, dancing, and general merriment. New Years feels pretty fake in LA. It’s like, it already happened on the east coast. I don’t know, it’s weird.

At 3 AM eastern standard time they did a one-minute to midnight countdown and then everyone said Happy New Year and Tzvi got sparkling rose for all of us, by which I mean him and my parents.

We got back to the hotel around 1 AM and went to bed.

Happy New Year!