LA. Day 1. One Adult, Two Children, Two Grandparents, One Leg.

LA. Day 1. One Adult, Two Children, Two Grandparents, One Leg.

Our adventure began on Sunday morning with our flight to Los Angeles. 

If you’ve ever flown with a child that didn’t stop whining and complaining the entire flight, then you know what I went through with Tzvi.  We got to the gate late (because Hallie was eating her yogurt) and we were basically the last one’s on board. The whole time getting on the plane Tzvi was having a fit and saying he “didn’t know what he was going to do” if they told us we had to check our carry ons. Well, as soon as we got on the plane the stewardess looked at us and said we needed to check all three of our carry on bags.  Tzvi started having a fit and saying that wasn’t going to work.  Well, surprise surprise, we went to our seats and found space right overhead. Tzvi then apologized to the woman. Hallie was a little bit annoying on the flight and refused to sleep, but Tzvi was more annoying as he complained about Hallie’s annoyingness.  At least we had extra legroom seats on Jet Blue.

 We got to LA around 2:00 PM and checked into the Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills.  The hotel is only a couple of years old and is beautiful, decorated opulently with lots of gold and white marble and florals.   Our room was very nice and spacious, with a shower and a nice bathtub. When we got there a plate of desserts was waiting for Hallie, which was nice. We ordered some quick room service because we were starving. All of the food here is from Jean Georges, and everything we ate was delicious.  We had breakfast all three days at the main Jean Georges restaurant.  Tzvi went crazy for the apricot jam.  I don’t know why, it was just apricot jam, but Tzvi ate several of them and said it was the best he’s ever had.  I should also mention that the service at the Waldorf was really great, and they gave Hallie a kids bathrobe and slippers, which was super cute and something we rarely see at hotels. Oh! And the in-room hairdryer is the $400 Dyson hairdryer.  Only in Beverly Hills.

 On Sunday night we met the Kaplans for dinner at a place called Jon and Vinny’s. Apparently it’s some trendy Italian place. The food was good but so salty.  We basically just ate bread – two different bruschettas, two different pizzas, and two pastas.  Yay carbs!

 The restaurant was pretty small and we didn’t have a ton of space, and thus began the saga of Mark’s leg. Mark has had 1,000 surgeries on his leg in the past 3 months. Ok, he’s only had three surgeries. He’s doing great but has to keep his leg up everywhere he goes. That means that every time we went out to eat, we needed a table for 6 – five people plus one leg.  Also, every time he and Tzvi got into an Uber, Tzvi had to sit in the front seat so Mark could lay across the back with his leg elevated.  Tzvi said it looked like his father was trying to use Uber to make a getaway after a robbery.

​Anyway, good first day.