The Kaplan Family Follies
The Kaplan Family Follies

Day 6 – Friday August 7, 2015. the water is just different here.


It all started when…

We woke up this morning around 845 and we in the lobby to meet Austin, Avery and my mother by 930.  We got in a cab and made our way over to the dockyard, which is where the cruise ships dock.  It was really hot. We walked through the Clocktower Mall, which has a lot of the same shops selling touristy crap, then walked in and out of the rest of the shops at the dockyard, which were a lot of the same stuff.  Tzvi bought an elephant at the glassblowing shop.  While we were walking we saw the Hellers again who were taking a Segway tour.  They didn’t see us.

After about an hour or so it was just too hot so we found a cab and went back to the hotel. We saw the Hellers segwaying and waved. We got a wave back but they didn’t know it was us. We got back to the hotel and changed into bathing suits and went down to the pool for lunch.  Tzvi and I both had tuna sandwiches, pop pop had a chickpea burger, and mama had a salmon salad.  After that we took the shuttle down to the beach.

Today was the most crowded day at the beach.  When we got there, there were no towels and practically no open chairs or umbrellas.  We found a beach man who set up six seats for us with umbrellas, but it was literally the last six seats on the beach, all the way at the end of the beach.  It was fine, but it was still another half hour at least before we got towels. 

We swam a bit – the water was nice and calm.  We got drinks and fruit salad, and the boys ordered beers (to my parents shock) because the drinking age here is 18.

Eventually we packed up our stuff and walked next door to Horseshoe Bay again.  It was after 4 o’clock so everyone had already gone back to their cruise ships and the beach was relatively empty.  For some reason the water is just different there.  We all went in and swam.  There were much bigger waves there. It was great.

Around 5 we took the shuttle back up to the hotel, and me, Tzvi and mama went to the pool.  We ordered chips and guac and Tzvi had a Caesar salad, which he said was his predinner in anticipation of the horrible packaged kosher meals we’re all going to eat tonight.  Tzvi went in the hottub, and then around 6 we went upstairs.

For some reason they took away our bathrobes when they cleaned the room this morning.  Very odd.  We called for new ones but they still haven’t come yet.  Things take a long time to come here.

Anyway, now we’re getting ready for Shabbos and will be going to have our kosher room service in the boys room soon.  Wish us luck!